Author: Colin Fleming
Walking Words, Words Walking
There’s never been a better to read James Joyce’s Ulysses (don’t be scared!)
by Colin Fleming
Loving You More
Romancing and being romanced by the Beatles
by Colin Fleming
Color Coded
Jazz pianist Freddie Redd’s elementally sublime, and sublimely elemental, Shades of Redd
by Colin Fleming
The Christmas Shake
Two unheralded Otis Redding Christmas songs tap into the soulfulness of Christmas
by Colin Fleming
Joan Harrison, "Phantom Lady", and the liberating art of the blazed trail
by Colin Fleming
Thanks for the Archers
Rediscovering gratitude and wonder with a unique English film from 1944
by Colin Fleming
Short Form Terrors and Lifelong Horrors
Two unexpected films to creep you out this Halloween
by Colin Fleming
Riding the Mare
Night terrors, what selves they (sometimes) make
by Colin Fleming