Guillermo Rebollo Gil (San Juan, 1979) is a writer, sociology professor, translator, and attorney. Recent and forthcoming publications include poetry in Second Factory, Poetry Northwest, Pacifica Literary Review, and HAD; prose in Trampset and Jellyfish Review; literary criticism in Annulet; scholarly articles in Journal of Autoethnography, Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, and Liminalities. Book-length translations include I’ll Trade you this Island(2018) by Cindy Jiménez-Vera and Recetas Naturales para el Mundo Fenomenal(2017) by Sommer Browning. He is the author of Writing Puerto Rico: Our Decolonial Moment (2018) and the forthcoming Whiteness in Puerto Rico: Translation at a Loss. He belongs to/with Lucas Imar and Ariadna Michelle. Happily so.