11/21/2013 Labor of Love This year, classical music fans celebrate the Britten centennial. But no one remembers his lifelong collaborator and lover, Peter Pears. by Mary Sydnor §
06/03/2013 Classical Covers How classical music has more in common with pop than you might think. by Mary Sydnor §
06/03/2013 Classical Covers How classical music has more in common with pop than you might think. by Mary Sydnor §
03/29/2013 Sounds from the Grove Delius's earliest composition is also his most beloved, and it was inspired by the orange groves of Florida. by Mary Sydnor §
03/29/2013 Sounds from the Grove Delius's earliest composition is also his most beloved, and it was inspired by the orange groves of Florida. by Mary Sydnor §
01/25/2013 Sound of the States There's something familiar about American compositions, across genres and musical periods. What's behind the American sound? by Mary Sydnor §
01/25/2013 Sound of the States There's something familiar about American compositions, across genres and musical periods. What's behind the American sound? by Mary Sydnor §
12/18/2012 The Difficulty of Debussy To appreciate an impressionist, forget everything you knew about listening to classical. by Mary Sydnor §
12/18/2012 The Difficulty of Debussy To appreciate an impressionist, forget everything you knew about listening to classical. by Mary Sydnor §