Category: Foodstuffs
Notes and commentary from the table.
A Spoonful of Sugar
"Sweets" might sound like a tame recipe booklet, but the tale of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is actually pretty creepy.
by Meg Favreau
Hot Hamburger Water
Why being sick in the late 1800s sucked, and not just because you were more likely to die.
by Meg Favreau
Dinner Roles
A progressive future for women
by Sara Davis
The Culinary Triangle
What can Claude Lévi-Strauss teach us about food fads today?
by Sara Davis
From the Lobster Palace
Revisiting the history of one of the East Coast's most ritzy ingredients.
by Meg Favreau
Taking the Cake
A reverse chronological history of the wedding feast centerpiece.
by Sara Davis
A Plateful of Penitence
Freedom’s just another word for not having to eat Nutraloaf.
by Jesse Smith
Rarebit Dreams
Welsh rarebit has been around and (possibly) inducing nightmares for centuries. But there's more behind the historic dish than just cheese on toast.
by Meg Favreau