04/15/2013 Heart of Lightness The late Chinua Achebe leveled some serious criticisms at Joseph Conrad — but perhaps, the two authors are simply opposites. by Morgan Meis §
03/25/2013 Get Your Story Straight Was Fort Lauderdale the site of a Seminole massacre? Or is Florida just confused? by Morgan Meis §
03/19/2013 Art at the Altar Piero della Francesca, painter and mathematician, used every trick he had to move his viewers, both literally and figuratively. by Morgan Meis §
02/25/2013 Do Not Open Until An exhibit encapsulating 1993 also captures the freedom, and the anxiety, of post-historical art. by Morgan Meis §
02/13/2013 Transcending Matter The Ashcan painters may have “lost” most battles during their time, but we should remember them by their goal: to paint the force of life. by Morgan Meis §
02/04/2013 Outside the Lines The Abstract painters blurred the boundary between science and spiritual, and aimed to portray the essence of reality through color. by Morgan Meis §
01/16/2013 Rage Against the Machine 200 years ago, the Luddites tried to stop technological progress. They didn’t succeed. by Morgan Meis §
01/02/2013 The Mystery of Faith In creating a work that portrays real internal struggle and transformation, Caravaggio converted painting. by Morgan Meis §
12/17/2012 The Secular Saint Philip Roth is ready to retire, but we can't bare to let him go. by Morgan Meis §