06/10/2013 The British Circuit The Tate Britain invites us to "Meet British Art." But would we recognize it if we met it? by James Polchin §
05/20/2013 Western Exposure Sebastião Salgado photographs of nature are undeniably beautiful, but they also portray a typical Western gaze. by James Polchin §
04/26/2013 Modernism’s Margins George Bellows may have died before his work reached its peak, but it’s the fact that he’s “unfinished” that makes him interesting. by James Polchin §
04/09/2013 Picasso in the Future What does art from the ice age have to do with Picasso? It makes us think — how will we discuss Picasso millennia from now? by James Polchin §
04/02/2013 The Power of the Brushstroke Lichtenstein’s obsession with the minute details of painting proves there’s more craft to Pop Art than you might think. by James Polchin §
03/08/2013 The Gaze In Victorine Meurent, Manet found a model that examined the viewer, and thus Manet invented the modern art spectator. by James Polchin §
02/22/2013 Candid Camera Presenting the artist at work turns painters into performers. They become their art. by James Polchin §
01/18/2013 Into the Canvas Matisse wasn’t just a painter but an explorer, and each painting was a journey. by James Polchin §
11/27/2012 American or Artist? In defining Edward Hopper as the quintessential American artist, we've lost the artist himself. by James Polchin §