01/02/2008 The Museum of Contraception and Abortion In the land of Freud and Reich, there seem to be as many sexologists as saints. by Patti McCracken §
12/18/2007 Quick, Jeeves, Cover the Piano Legs! The Brits thought Americans prudes. But then the table turned. by Tony Perrottet §
11/27/2007 For a Good Time, Try Revolutionary Paris Tourists today want crepes and the Eiffel Tower, but in the 18th century they wanted something a bit more exciting. by Tony Perrottet §
11/21/2007 Ancient Greek Temples of Sex After encountering Aphrodite's servants, visitors to ancient Corinth always went home happy. by Tony Perrottet §
10/09/2007 When Syphilis Was TrĂ©s Chic In Belle Epoque Paris, the disease was all the rage. by Tony Perrottet §