Tag: sex
Horsing Around With Catherine the Great
by Tony Perrottet
When George Met Sally
by Tony Perrottet
The Museum of Contraception and Abortion
In the land of Freud and Reich, there seem to be as many sexologists as saints.
by Patti McCracken
Quick, Jeeves, Cover the Piano Legs!
The Brits thought Americans prudes. But then the table turned.
by Tony Perrottet
For a Good Time, Try Revolutionary Paris
Tourists today want crepes and the Eiffel Tower, but in the 18th century they wanted something a bit more exciting.
by Tony Perrottet
Ancient Greek Temples of Sex
After encountering Aphrodite's servants, visitors to ancient Corinth always went home happy.
by Tony Perrottet
How Nissan killed the love machine in Tokyo.
by Greg Beato
When Syphilis Was Trés Chic
In Belle Epoque Paris, the disease was all the rage.
by Tony Perrottet